Our 23rd Annual General Meeting, was held on 13 September 2019, at the Webber Wentzel Office Tower in Cape Town. As part of the programme, two of our facilitators were leading the group activities.
In attendance, was Cindy Rutter, Principal of the Dominican School for the Deaf – Wittebome. She gave the audience a lesson in Sign Language as well as how to sign #Am I Next #Am I Included, as part of the “Am I Next” movement taking place in cities across our country.
Melanie Andrews, owner of Cuddles and Care Centre in Atlantis had this to say of our AGM :
What I appreciated most was that it was very informative as to what inclusive education was really about. The videos especially before the formalities started made things clear to me as to how play, fun and enjoyment plays a critical role in the development of any child. The AGM in a whole was to the point and clear.
Me, as the owner of Cuddles and Care DVD Centre. Chairperson of Atlantis Cares Forum and the Chairperson of the Umbrella body of the ECD Forum, Atlantis ECD Directive, is ensuring that all ECD centres are striving towards being registered, ensure a safe environment is created with the aim at holistically developing each child without being prejudice to the child’s needs. Also by ensuring that each and every practitioner is valued and receive on going valuable training and find sponsorships to ensure healthy nutritious food are prepared for our children.
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