INTRODUCTION The risk when teaching with an abundance of learning support materials is that the teacher may miss the opportunities of social interaction and learning which happen with peer teaching. Alternatively, when learning support materials are lacking, the teachers’ best resource can often be their learners. INFO FACTSHEET: Using Learners as a resource for Learning Support
In 2014, the Department of Basic Education issued a policy document – The Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support Policy (SIAS) – to provide a framework with which to standardise the procedures to identify, assess and provide programmes for all learners who require additional support to enhance their participation and inclusion in school. The SIAS policy is aimed at improving access to quality education for: Vulnerable learners who experience barriers to learning, including learners in ordinary and special schools. Barriers may include family disruption, language, the impact of poverty, learning difficulties, disability, large classes and an inflexible curriculum. Children who are of compulsory school-going age and youth who may be out of school or have never enrolled in a school due…
Inclusive Education recognises the right of ALL children to feel welcomed into a supportive educational environment in their own community. It refers to the capacity of ordinary local schools and ECD Centres to respond to the needs of ALL learners, including those requiring extra support because of learning or physical disability, social disadvantage, cultural difference or other barriers to learning. In South Africa we now have a strong legislative and policy framework promoting an Inclusive Education system. The South African Constitution, The South African Schools Act, White Paper 6, The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child all place obligations on the state to ensure ALL children are given access to meaningful participation in learning in the general education system.…
WHAT IS CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD)? CPD is about building on existing knowledge, beyond any initial training, and enriching that with new knowledge, innovative thinking and up to date strategies. It is a lifelong, systematic and planned process to maintain and develop professional competence. INFO FACTSHEET: Setting up Professional Learning Communities
According to the Centre for Deaf Studies at the University of Witwatersrand, deafness is one of the single largest prevailing disabilities in South Africa affecting more than 4 million D/deaf people, out of whom 300,000 to 400,000 are profoundly affected. For children hearing is key to learning spoken language, performing academically, and engaging socially. WHAT IS HEARING IMPAIRMENT? Hearing impairment is a partial or total inability to hear in one or both ears and can have several different causes. It is important to be familiar with the cause of the child’s …
Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occurs in all ethnic, racial, and economic groups. WHAT IS AUTISM? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. INFO FACTSHEET: Including Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterised by unusual electrical activity in the brain causing unprovoked seizures. When there is a sudden excessive electrical discharge that disrupts the normal activity of the nerve cells, a seizure may result. IESA FACTSHEET: Including Learners with Epilepsy
An inflexible curriculum does not respond to the wide variety of learner needs. Inclusive Education refers to the capacity of ordinary local schools to respond to the needs of ALL learners, including those requiring extra support because of learning or physical barriers, social disadvantage, cultural difference or other diverse learning needs. Please feel free to download our factsheet and share – if you have any questions or enquiries please contact us at IESA FACTSHEET: What is Differentiated Teaching?
Around the world there is a far greater emphasis on investigating the symptoms of ADHD and finding out why the child behaves as he/she does, and then finding solutions which may, but do not necessarily, include medication. These could include healthy eating, supplements, exercise, counselling and other therapies. IESA FACTSHEET: INCLUDING A LEARNER WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Please feel free to download and share – if you have any questions or enquiries please contact us at
Today is National Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), foetal alcohol syndrome is the biggest cause of mental retardation in North America, Canada and South Africa. The number of people affected by foetal alcohol syndrome is three to five times more than those with HIV and AIDS. The highest reports of foetal alcohol syndrome cases in South Africa are in the Western Cape province, and this is believed to be as a result of the Dop system; a criteria by which wine manufacturers pay workers with alcohol. Foetal alcohol syndrome is 100 percent preventable but it cannot be cured. (Source: Western Cape Provincial Government) At Inclusive Education South Africa, our aim is to equip and facilitate a process whereby our beneficiaries feel more confident to accommodate and support learners meaningfully. …